Our Biggest Mess: A Bathroom Floor!

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Thomas’ Dad is a saint. He drives 2 hours, one way, to help us most Saturdays and they get so much done. Between Thomas working long hours at his day job, the stomach bug, Scouts, and family night on Monday we haven’t worked on the house since my dad left last week. The lack of progress all week made Saturday’s accomplishments seem even bigger.
Thomas and his dad started building walls in “the hole” and even got the floor of the future bathroom in! Here is what it looks like now. The diagonal board is a make-shift wall to keep the kids out of this area but allow us to get to the current bathroom. (Here are floor plans if you need some clarification.)
bathroom remodeling
bathroom remodeling

The Bridge is gone! We can now walk on the future bathroom floor, just don’t hit your head going through! It’s a lot taller than things used to be.

bathroom remodeling
bathroom remodeling

This door used to be the stairs from the bathroom to the downstairs and won’t exist when we are done.

bathroom remodeling

So the new bathroom is L-shaped and the door will be down the hall near the door for the master bedroom (the door to the room we live in now). The part of the floor that is still not in will be a pantry.

bathroom remodeling

Starting to look like real stairs!

bathroom remodeling

The hall will be this tall in the end with a stair up to it.

bathroom remodeling

Exciting isn’t it? Thanks for all the hard work Thomas and Thomas’s Dad!

About Melissa

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  1. Heather says:

    That is the most beautiful floor!! So excited to see the next step. Yippee for father in laws!

  2. 6Carters!E,H,V,B,R,C says:

    Holy Cow I can’t believe they got all that done in 1 day! Hooray!

  3. clarsen says:

    It’s looking great! Did you guys take out kitchen cupboards that you have laying around? Josh wants some for his tools in our garage, so I thought I would check with you and just see if you happened to have some.