Our Biggest Mess: Remodeling a Bathroom and Downstairs Update

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The first week of January last year the blog was brand new and I devoted a whole week to getting the world caught up on your remodeling project. It looks like the beginning of this year is no different because I have another house post today. I really do have gobs of recipes to post, but the progress on the house is happening quicker than normal, so if I don’t record it now I’ll be behind.

Remodeling a bathroom is nice because it’s generally a small space, and our hall bathroom is  just about done! I’ve been using this nasty old bathroom for almost a year and a half and I’m looking forward to the cleanliness of something so new.

The water and plumbing got all hooked up yesterday. So I just need to finish painting the inside of the closet and the closet and main door need to be hung, plus trim. But that’s all it needs! Once the inside of the closet is dry I’ll move our things in, give it all a good cleaning, and call it home!

Here’s looking into the bathroom from the hall:

new paint bathroom, bathroom makeover, how to add a light fixture

The vanity:
new bathroom vanity from Home Depot, how to redo a bathroom on a budget

The tub and shower – I’ll put the shower rod higher in a few weeks after the paint has more time to cure
house remodeling bathroom before and after pictures new tub

Isn’t it nice? It’s not super fancy but it’s practical while still being pretty.

Remember how I told you we cut the foundation to add new windows to the basement bedrooms? We’ll I’ll give you a little peak at what they are looking like. One room is done except for carpet, trim, and doors and the two oldest kids are sleeping down there. The room was a mess when I went to take a picture though, so all you get is the floor. This is the sweet linoleum that was under the old carpet. I washed it really well and the kids beds and dressers are in here now, but not much else. (It’s just so nice not to have all five of us sleeping in one room…).

And the other room needs some more drywall before it gets mud and taped:

mud and tape, how to dry wall, sheet rock in basement

The new window is wonderful though and really makes the room brighter. It’s crazy how much a little light can change a space.

closet in basement, how we remodeled our basement, before and after pictures house remodel

About Melissa

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  1. Remodel a Bathroom says:

    Good blog! I have found here much useful information for yourself and would like to thank you for done by work.

  2. Becky says:

    It looks FABULOUS!

  3. TJ says:

    Wow! You are getting soooo much done! Great job!