Our Biggest Mess: Almost done with drywall!

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Well, we had some significant changes this weekend on the home remodeling front! We moved the stove and fridge into the real kitchen (instead of just in the mudroom!). They look so weird in the space but it makes me all excited at the same time. It’s not an improvement really, just a change in location. Still no sink, but at least I can open my door all the way when I come in! I feel like we are really close to being able to move in, but we just do not have time to work on the house outside of Saturdays. Thomas works more than anyone I know. I can’t ask him to work any more hours in a week. Between his real life job, church callings, and the million other things that he has to get done (like fixing our broken furnace), the house has taken a back seat.
I have been trying to figure out how he can take time off (without pay since vacation days get to be used for Scout Camp this year). I told him I would not buy groceries for an entire month and give him all of the money in my secret cash stash if he would take the time off and finish this half of the house. I don’t think it will happen, but I just keep trying to think of ways to get it done. I’m so antsy and so tired of my current situation. Dad, can you fly back out? 🙂
Here is the kitchen. Putting up my card table honestly doubled my work space! Can you see the extension cord to my Kitchen Aid?  I don’t plan on doing much prep in here. We don’t let the kids play in here and I prefer to be where they are.

The hole has been filled! This picture shows the hall to our room/future master bedroom and the bathroom. There is a new half wall between the hall and the stairs. The door to the left is to the huge pantry. The inside of the pantry still needs drywall, you can actually see through the wall to the back of the bath tub.

Pantry, doorway to where we are living, and the fridge.

Down the hall looking into the kitchen. The half wall will have some pretty wood on top of it in the future:

This landing will have two stairs soon. It goes up to the bathroom and future master bedroom. There will be a little closet just before the bathroom door (above the stairs).

If you remember, the fridge was sitting in this doorway. It blocked the kids from being able to get in. The doorway to the back door is only about 5 feet, so when you opened the door you had to shimmy between the door and the fridge and then stove to get through. It’s nice to have the stove and fridge out of there! It feel so much more comfortable to walk into.

This fancy panel also made it’s new home in our current bathroom. If you look closely you can see 5 layers of drywall! Anytime the previous owners wanted to fix something they must have just thrown up another piece. What a mess…

There you have it! Doesn’t it look amazing? The plan is to finish mudding and taping, then texture and paint. After the paint comes flooring in the kitchen and then cabinets and a SINK! See, doesn’t it feel close? At the rate we are going, though, it will still be 4 more months 🙁 Maybe I’ll become a fancy blogger super fast and my blog can pay for someone to come and finish these few tasks up for me. Now THAT is a good idea!

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About Melissa

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  1. Heather says:

    It really is beautiful. In my head I see those cute painted drawers on your walls already. Perhaps it’s time to hire someone….just putting it out there.

  2. Alicia says:

    Wow! It is coming together so nicely! It’s hard to believe the hole was there at all. I am still amazed and flabbergasted as to how you deal with it all. You are amazing. Oh, and your Oreo cookie recipe was also AMAZING!!!

  3. Holly says:

    I wish Curt didn’t have school so he could come work on the house for you! Poor Thomas–I don’t know how he does it! (And poor you–I have NO IDEA how you’ve made it this long!!!) Hang in there! It looks amazing, and I’m sure it will all be worth it in the end! And just think how much more you’ll appreciate it when you’re finished! 🙂