Our Biggest Mess: Dad’s Week Before and After Pictures

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In honor of my dad’s work, here are some before and after pictures from this week. The left is the house when he got here and the right is how he left it – not too shabby for 8 working days! We got wiring finished, insulation in, and drywall up, not to mention all of the mud and tape he put up. I’m only a sanding away from primer! Thanks, Dad!
And here is an overview of the whole project if you are interested!
Let the big window be your guide. The living room:
Before and After Pictures

The bedroom:

Before and After Pictures

The kitchen:

Before and After Pictures

Other end of the kitchen:

Before and After Pictures

About Melissa

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  1. Rob and Marseille says:

    i bet its tons warmer in there now!

  2. Daniel Dilts says:

    Are you sure that you bought a house? It looks like you are building a new one.

  3. Southwick Family says:

    Melissa: You are my hero! I can’t wait to see the finished product. You have one fantastic dad!

  4. Nettie says:

    YEAH for you guys!!! progress of any kind is awesome, but it looks like you guys are starting to get there!