Currently… busy summer edition

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Thinking… it’s been way to long since I did a more personal post!

Feeling… the excitement of fall! Back to school is always a fun time, but times of transition are always rough on my kids. I feel like once fall hits, we have our schedules worked out, the kids grow used to life back in school, and I figure out my new normal at home. It’s kind of a natural reset in the year and I really enjoy that aspect of fall. Then there’s all of the other lovely things like apples and pumpkins to pick, costumes to plan for, parties, socials, perfect evenings on the deck, and more. Cliche or not, I love fall.

Watching… When Calls the Heart. Oh man you guys, I even have Thomas addicted. It’s on Netflix and is a super cheesy, fun, and clean show that we try to watch a few times a month. I’d like to watch it faster, but never have understood how folks have time for binge-watching shows. There’s always so many things that have to get done that get in the way! We love it though.

Reading… I just read Educated which is a super interesting memoir about a girl who grew up with parents who were prepping for the end of the world and never really received an education. It was a gripping story, and I loved it. Crazy fact – I was at BYU at the same time as the author! I wonder if I ever passed her on campus. I’m also reading How to Talk So Little Kids Will Listen (recommended to my by Cassie from Wholefully, and I love everything she recommends). I’m also in the middle of the audio book Before We Were Yours. SO GOOD! Recommending all three!

Excited… that we finally got our occupancy permit and signed papers to turn our construction loan into our mortgage this summer! It’s been years and years in the making and we are so excited to have that hurdle over! No more loan deadlines looming and no more grumpy bank people being annoying that we are slow DIYers. Now our timeline is our own. We made a list of things that were realistic to get done before winter and we are working on that. Landscaping is next year and this mama can’t wait. You’d be shocked at how much dust, dirt, and mud an unlandscaped yard brings into my new house.

Missing… my kids! I know back-to-school is a great time of year and sending them is the right decision for our family, but that doesn’t mean I don’t miss them. We get used to slow mornings together, trips, and afternoons at the pool. I miss my kids when they are gone the bulk of the day for sure.

Wondering… how people with glass cook tops can. Do they not can? I have a new glass cook top and now I can’t figure out how to can (the weight and heat of canning might crack the glass, so you aren’t supposed to can on it). Do I get a Camp Chef outside? Come up with a canning kitchen in the barn? Not sure, but I better figure it out before next canning season – my freezer is full!

Working… on a “Pumpkin Week,” a “Halloween Week,” and an “Easy Dinner Week” for the blog! I had so much fun doing a “Zucchini Week” this summer that I wanted to keep the ball rolling. I do well with a theme!

Stressed… because we’re leaving the kids for a week for a vacation, just Thomas and me. The last time we left our kids and both of us were gone was in 2012. I’m so excited, but man alive does it take a lot of planning to leave 5 little humans in someone else’s care.

Proud… of Thomas for just how hard he’s worked over the last, what feels like million years to build me a house. He’s incredible. If he doesn’t know something, he’ll learn, ask, and listen. I don’t know anyone else who could have seen a project of this magnitude through. Just his stick-to-it-ness is amazing. Way to go Boyfriend – you are amazing.

Wanting… to lose some weight. I’ve gained 25 pounds this year and for the life of me can’t get anything to come off. I eat well, work out hard multiple times a week, and the weight just won’t budge. So frustrating! I’m thinking of getting some blood work done to see if there’s something more going on. Or is this what weight loss after 30 is like?!

Wishing… we could snap our fingers and just have all of the house really done. Like done, done. Even now with this beautiful kitchen, glorious storage, and huge bathtub all to myself, I find myself just wanting it done. Occasionally I think about folks who move into a new house that they didn’t build or a house that they bought. It’s just done… how fun does that sound? Things I learned about myself while building a house: I don’t like huge projects that last for years, and I like projects to be finished completely.

Eating… alllllll the veggies. The end of the summer is glorious when it comes to food! We have peppers, sweet corn, squash, tomatoes, herbs, and tomatillos from the garden. We’ve also had the most delicious Red Heart plums on our trees, and peaches and apples are on their way. It’s a wonderful time of year to be a hobby farmer. So many good things to eat.

Drinking… water as usual but I’m dreaming of a long weekend of apple cider pressing. Fresh cider from our own apples tastes a whole lot like sunshine in a cup. I can’t wait, and you are invited over to help.

Loving… this season of life. It’s kind of nice not to be pregnant or nursing after a decade of doing just that.

Things are good! But they aren’t without their hard; it’s life. It’s so nice to reconnect and tell you what’s going outside of my kitchen now and again.

About Melissa

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  1. Marseille says:

    1. I just finished reading Before we were yours. 2. We can on our campchef outside. It’s so much faster too!

  2. Diana says:

    We canned on a glass cooktop. It worked although it was a little nerve wracking the first time. I am planning on getting on of those propane burners to can outside and avoid the stove and keep the house cool.

    Also, yes I think this is weightloss after 30. I am dealing with the same thing.