Progress and New Paint!

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When I swore I’d paint myself into a coma early in the week if need be, I wasn’t kidding. I have been hitting it hard while trying to keep the ship afloat. I did something crazy at the grocery store yesterday; I bought convenience foods! I know, I know…I don’t even go there when I have a new baby. I am so motivated to work on the house though that cooking (while trying to paint in the same room) was such a burden this week. Eating out isn’t really an option, so I bought frozen lasagna, cheese tortellini, breaded fish, and french fries. Want to know something funny? I felt so strange for spending our money on these things that I called Thomas when I got in the car to “confess” what I had done. He laughed at me and told me I should have done it sooner. So I’m super excited to bake that lasagna tonight that I didn’t make. I hope it’s not too tasty or I might decide I like such things. 🙂
I’ve decided it’s harder than it looks to get a good picture of the paint color, but this should give you an idea! It’s more of a yellow-tan than brown-tan and I really like it. It’s darker than I anticipated, but it’s growing on me. The ceilings are a glorious clean bright white. The contrast is beautiful.

Amid the chaos we had some fun. May found this wig at the thrift store and it may be the best $.50 I’ve ever spent.

Last night I painted the kitchen. I am in LOVE with the color. It’s a beauty minty green that should cut the richness of the wood floor and wood cabinets.

Doesn’t it look like a real house? We are going to pick out carpet, doors, shelving for the pantry, and a dishwasher tonight. I can hardly imagine doing dishes in a real kitchen let alone using a dishwasher. I’m positive I’m going to cry the first time I start the thing; eight months is a long time to be without a kitchen.

Happy Friday! If you need something to do, you can come help me paint!

About Melissa

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  1. Heather says:

    The colors are amazing and your cutting in on the ceiling looks flawless. BRAVO!!!! I serious thought the wig picture of Macey was Henry. So excited for the next few weeks. I think the green turned out so perfect.

    1. Melissa says:

      It is Henry lol! Macey just found the wig… you nut! And thank you for the complement on the color. I almost had a come-apart trying to pick it on my own. So much commitment!

  2. Holly says:

    Love the colors! You are amazing!!! I would be too scared to attack painting all by myself. You are such an inspiration! 🙂

  3. Jasmyn says:

    I would totally come help you paint if we lived closer! It looks great–can’t wait to see the finished project!

    And thanks for your kind post on our blog. I know you would have been the first person at my door if you lived nearer–so thank you.

    Good luck with the mess–I’m loving watching the transformation!

  4. Amber says:

    It really does look like a real house! I wish I were closer to help paint….if only you were in Indiana!

  5. emily says:

    Ah! Paint makes everything look so great!