Our Biggest Mess: And we’re still mudding and taping…

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Whoever said “slow and steady wins the race” wasn’t talking about home remodeling while living in it. My dad came out the second week of January and we started hanging drywall and mudding and taping then. Here it is, nearing the end of March and we are still mudding and taping. I tease Thomas all of that time that he won’t ever be able to convince me to live in a remodel again; I’ve learned my lesson. This is one of those times that we’ll talk about the rest of our lives, but boy am I ready to be on the talkin’ end of this deal.
Ok, enough lamenting my life. Here are the pictures of what we’ve been up to lately. I have cleaned and cleared stuff out of the house night after night getting things ready to spray texture on the walls this weekend. Cross your fingers so it will happen.
I present to you, my pantry. Doesn’t it look so official with drywall up?
pantry remodel, kitchen remodel


The hall leading to the room we live in now. Check out the steps that are now there!

Hello, drywall!

The bedroom also became an official bedroom with the addition of the closet on the left. Won’t it be great when my clothes have a closet to hang in instead of just being on a pole over my freezer? What? You’ve never had your clothes hanging over your freezer?

The kitchen:

Living room and kitchen:

kitchen remodeling ideas, remodeling while living in it, kitchen remodel

Thomas put the back piece of wood on the stairs. It is so weird not being able to see through them. It makes them so much quieter, too; I can’t wait to see them with carpet.

building stairs
In other news, I found this cute piano bench at the thrift store for $5. My sister-in-law recovered one for the end of her bed this winter and I loved the idea. Maybe one day this can sit at the end of my bed (when my bed isn’t 4 feet tall…).
I also snatched these 3 stools up at a garage sale. I talked the lady down to $3 per stool. They just needed a little love. I plan on giving them a fresh coat of paint and they will make their home at my fancy kitchen island one day.
Thomas showed me how to drill holes, add a screw, and “sink” the screw. With all this remodeling you would think I use power tools a lot, but I don’t. They are scary. This was a good learning experience for me. Thanks for making me do it, T!

Well, there you have it. A little more to show for our work.
If you are new to the my blog, welcome! All the past posts and details of this crazy project are under the “Our Biggest Mess” tab at the top of the page.

About Melissa

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  1. Just Me "& My Family says:

    I know it isn’t the same to you because you live in it everyday, but it really has come along way since I saw it last — your in the home stretch 🙂

  2. crystal says:

    Somehow knowledge alone doesn’t always help us, it often takes experience to turn our knowledge into wisdom. Lessons learned the hard way often become the most cherrished memories. Don’t give up because it will be worth every good memory and bit of wisdom you build, and lots of joy too.

  3. Heather says:

    it’s like a real life house now. What has it been like 8 months? These stories will last you the rest of your life. In fact, enough stories to never have to go through it again! Sand on sister, Sand on!!!! I also see your stools in fun colors under your island. The end is near-ish….

    1. Melissa says:

      I have had a vision of a green, yellow, and teal stool! We are on the same page. Why don’t you come help me with them 🙂

  4. Cami @ You Seriously Made That says:

    It looks great!!! I am so amazed by you guys! Such a handy husband. Can’t wait to see it finished 🙂