Our Biggest Mess: Keep Calm and Remodel On

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Our remodel has been so overwhelming to me this week. I didn’t even post pictures from last Saturday’s progress. I just was not feeling it. Poor husband has put up with lots of tears. I was just feeling so hopeless. It is hard living like you are camping. It is hard living somewhere I feel is “icky”. It is hard not knowing when this phase will end.
Husband and I sat and talked a lot this week, and I feel like there is a light at the end of the tunnel. It is amazing how a little hope in the future can change my attitude and perspective. Keep Calm and Remodel On.
The kitchen:

Husband fixed the hole in the floor! No more jumping over a hole to get downstairs!

I spy with my little eye a bath tub. Can you find it?

The future pantry. It’s HUGE! I sat on a bucket in this space and dreamed my dreams the other day; visions of sugar danced in my head.

The bathtub. You have to bring the tub in before you finish all the walls; it won’t fit otherwise!

We tore out the last of the lath and plaster but it was near the old coal shoot which made a huge mess. Oh the dust. It was awful. Thomas at 12:30 am, tired and dirty!

Dirty coal dust floor before its 1 am mopping.

About Melissa

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  1. Meum says:

    oh dear, i feel your pain! i’ve been there too! in fact those pictures look so much like our projects. i hit the ‘wall’ many times during our remodel and just sat on dusty plywood floors and leaned up against bare wall studs and cried! and then got up and carried on, oh and tacked holiday lights all around the project room and plugged them in with an extension cord! it’s amazing how colorful lights can lift your spirits! good luck and happy renovating!

  2. Rob and Marseille says:

    he looks like a chimney sweep! he belongs in mary poppins! I am glad to know that i’m not the only one that gets stressed out during projects like that. you are human too- not superwoman, even if you have your act together most of the time, you are just like the rest of us 😉

  3. clarsen says:

    That picture of Thomas is awesome! Hang in there!

  4. Alicia says:

    Wow, Melissa! I admire you guys so much for taking on such a huge challenge! I am quite envious of your pantry… it will be awesome!